Our extensive list of services can take hours off your To-Do list!
Call today and see what XClean can do for you!
Dry Cleaning Service Fast Pickup and Delivery Laundry Services
- Dry Cleaning
- Wash & Fold
- Hand Wash
- Leather & Suede
- Uniforms (Military, Corporate, etc)
- Wedding Gowns
- General Laundry
- Shirt Laundry
- Folded and Hung Shirts
Full Service Tailor Shop and General Alterations
- Wedding / Formalwear Alterations, School Uniform and
- Military Alterations, Badge and Emblem applications for
- Sport teams, Clergy, Public Service Uniforms and Boy Scouts
- Button Replacement
- Stain Removals
Preservation Services
- Wedding Dress
- Military Uniform
- Leather Garments, Ski Wear, Rainwear
- Scarves/ Hats / Mittens
- Lab Coats
- Shoe Polishing
- Shoe Repair and Stretching